Cold Pressed To Extra- Virgin 5 Olive Oil Vanrites to Enhance Your Cooking Experience 

By Deepali Verma

August 12, 2023

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Olive oil is a popular choice for cooking among the wide range of options because of its many health benefits and versatility. Let's dive into the realm of olive oil to explore five distinct varieties used extensively. 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Extracted from pure olives with minimal processing, this oil boasts a rich flavor and high nutritional value, making it ideal for dressings and drizzles. 

Virgin Olive Oil 

With a slightly higher acidity level than extra virgin, this oil retains a distinct olive taste and can be used for sautéing and marinades. 

 Refined Olive Oil 

Extracted using chemical processes and refining methods, it has a mild flavor, making it suitable for high-heat cooking while preserving the benefits of olive oil. 

 Extra Light Olive Oil 

Often a blend of refined and virgin oils, it has a subtle taste and high smoke point, making it versatile for cooking, baking, and frying. 

Cold-Pressed Olive Oil 

Obtained by mechanically pressing olives at lower temperatures, this oil retains its natural flavors and nutrients, making it perfect for raw dishes and gentle cooking.