Coffee To Orange Juice - 6 Easy Breakfast Beverages To Start The Day!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 1st, 2023

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Mornings are often spent in being convinced to wake up and being late for work or school. Breakfast is often the most skipped meal and one that people find monotonous. Add a twist to your hurried and boring breakfast with these 6 easy to make beverages!

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Coffee, but cold with ice and sprinkle some cocoa for added flavor. Or have it hot, the traditional way to really wake up and not snooze.

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Orange Juice

No wonder it's a classic and popular choice! Orange juice is easy to make, rich in Vitamin C and also tastes great. The perfect breakfast companion is here!

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Fruit Smoothies

Be it mango or banana, or watermelon or apple. Fruit smoothies are a colorful way to begin your day. So easy to make and quite tasty!

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Plain Milk

Nothing like plain milk to begin your day. Add in a few spoons of your favourite drink powder (Horlicks, Boost etc) and head out with this easy to make beverage!

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Coconut Water

All you need is a tender coconut and you'll have a sweet, healthy start to the day. It also helps you hydrate and is low in sugar and fat.

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Aloe Water

Aloe Vera makes your body toxic-free and alkalinises it. It has high amino acids, vitamins, and minerals and also boosts the immune system.

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