Coffee To Eggs: 7 Foods That Can Help Raise Low Blood Pressure 

By Nikita Toppo

Suffering from low blood pressure? Add these food items to your diet.


Drinking coffee or other caffeinated drinks promotes instant spikes in the blood pressure.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are a great source of protein for vegetarians that also help in increasing low blood pressure.


Packed with potassium and antioxidants, raisins are a great addition to your diet whether you have hypotension or hypertension.


Nuts are a great source of nutrients including folate, iron and potassium that aid increase in blood pressure.

Leafy Greens

Veggies like broccoli, spinach and cabbage are very effective during low blood pressure.


Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna have various benefits on the body, one being increasing blood pressure.


Eggs are a great source of folate, vitamins and protein that are directly linked to improving blood pressure.


Olives are a great source of vitamin E, copper, iron, and various other nutrients that increase blood pressure.


Legumes are a great source of folate, iron, and numerous other nutrients that help increase low blood pressure.


Packed with protein and vitamins, chicken is also helpful in lowering blood pressure.

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