Clock Out With These 5 Energy Snacks Before Workout 

By Jasmine Kaur

From orange smoothie to avocado toast, load up on these snacks before you head to your next workout session. These will keep you high on energy all throughout. 

Pear Cottage Cheese Parfait 

While parfaits are generally considered French desserts, they can be a great pre-workout snack too. Substitute yoghurt for cream and oats for granola and a healthy parfait is ready. 

Fruity Energy  Bars 

Take some quinoa, chia and oats and sweeten the healthy mix with mejdool dates. This crunchy mixture is set as energy bars that are tasty and packed with energy. 

Orange Smoothie

A low-calorie concoction, made with frozen bananas and almond milk, this orange smoothie has a rich and fresh citrusy flavour that keeps you up and about all the time. 

Eggs With Avocado Toast 

Spread the creamy guacamole on the toasted slice of bread. Top it with sliced hard-boiled eggs, season with salt and pepper and load up on energy and protein. 

Apples With Peanut Butter 

Fruit lovers can heave a sigh of relief as this yummy snack is hassle-free and tasty. Sliced apples, dunked in crunchy peanut butter, do we need to say anymore?