Chocolate Momo: A Step-by-Step Guide To Make These At Home

By Rajan Bhattacharya

July 5, 2024

Chocolate momos are a sinful delight that combines all your favourite foods. On this, World Chocolate Day, what could be more appropriate than indulging in this delicious dish?


3/4 cup Dark chocolate melted 200 grams Refined flour dough 1 cup Mixed nuts crushed 1/4 cup Desiccated coconut 1 tsp Green cardamom powder Refined flour for dusting

Step 1

Mix mixed nuts, desiccated coconut, green cardamom powder, and melted dark chocolate in a bowl.

Step 2

Sprinkle flour on the worktop. Roll thin discs from equal quantities of dough. Cookie-cut tiny discs.

Step 3

Fill the centre of each disc with chocolate mixture, draw the edges together, and shape into momos.

Step 4

Heat sufficient water in a steamer. Cover and steam some momos for 5-7 minutes. Steam the remaining momos.

Step 5

Put them on a dish and serve right away.