Chocolate Haven: 7 Different Chocolate Smoothies To Try

Smriti Dey

January 3, 2024

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Smoothies don't have to be boring when you are adding chocolate to it. Make it fun and make it unique, just like you like it. Try these seven chocolate smoothies to lift up your workout and cravings.

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Choco-Berry Bliss Smoothie

For this, You need to blend frozen mixed berries, banana, Greek yoghurt, a splash of almond milk, and a generous helping of chocolate protein powder for a delight. Try this!

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Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie

Fan of mint chocolate? You need to combine fresh mint leaves, spinach, banana, chocolate protein powder, and a handful of dark chocolate chips. 

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Peanut Butter Chocolate Smoothie

Simply mix some creamy peanut butter, banana, chocolate protein powder, cocoa nibs, and almond milk. Sip into nutty goodness and chocolatey richness.

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Cocoa-Banana Breakfast Smoothie

This energy-boosting smoothie is perfect for a quick and satisfying breakfast, ready in no time! Add ripe bananas, oats, a scoop of chocolate protein powder, and Greek yoghurt to blend. 

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Coconut Chocolate Paradise Smoothie

Coconut milk, shredded coconut, frozen pineapple chunks, and chocolate protein powder in a blender can be a sweet tropical delight. It's a vacation for your taste buds!

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Cherry Chocolate Almond Smoothie

Treat yourself to a burst of flavours. Simply mix frozen cherries, almond butter, chocolate protein powder, and almond milk for this smoothie.

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Banana Split Chocolate Smoothie

Take some bananas, strawberries, some chocolate protein powder, and honey to blend in. Top it with some crushed nuts for a guilt-free classic banana split.

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