Chinese Sesame Balls (Jian Dui): A Gluten-Free Sweet Treat

By Devi Poojari

In Chinese culture, deep-fried, crispy sesame balls are a sweet treat that are meant to symbolize prosperity and are often shared with family and friends. These sesame balls are pretty easy to recreate at home for a quick snack and gluten-free replacement for sugary snacks.


¾ cup rice flour 3 tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 cup roasted peanuts ¼ cup sweetened peanut butter 1 + ½ tablespoons maple syrup ¼ cup white sesame seeds


Bring half a cup of water to a boil and add the sugar and stir until it dissolves.


Add the syrup to the rice flour and mix everything well into a loose, shaggy dough.


Empty the contents on a clean working surface and knead into a smooth ball. Cover and set aside for 15 minutes.


Grind the roasted peanuts in a food processor, into a fine powder.


Mix together the peanut butter and maple syrup until combined thoroughly before adding the crushed peanuts to this sweet mixture.


Roll the sticky peanut mixture into small, lemon-sized balls and place on a sheet tray.


Divide the dough into equal portions and roll out puri-sized discs from it and place the peanut mixture in the centre of each disc.


Add the white sesame seeds to a small saucer and roll each ball of dough in this.


Drop them gently in hot oil and fry until brown, for about 5-7 minutes, until crispy and fluffy.