Chickpeas To Lentils: 7 Foods Beyond Milk That Provide Calcium For Women After 30 

By Bornika Das

September 27, 2023

Image Credit: Freepik

Women become vulnerable after the age of 30. They become conscious of their bone health. Calcium plays an important role in building bones. Besides, you’re a lactating mother the indulging in calcium rich food is essential. Take a look at some of the calcium rich food you must include in your diet after the age of 30. 

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Chickpeas are an excellent source of calcium making it a noteworthy plant-based option for individuals seeking to meet their calcium needs, especially for those who follow vegetarian or vegan diets. 

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Chia Seeds 

These tiny seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch, offering approximately 18% of the daily recommended intake of calcium in just a 2-tablespoon serving.

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Almonds are a remarkable source of calcium making them an excellent choice for individuals following a plant-based diet, as well as those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies. 

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While fenugreek's calcium content might not be as high as some other foods, it still offers a valuable contribution to your daily calcium needs. 

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They offer a good source of calcium for following a plant-based diet or with lactose intolerance. They also are a good source of fibre.

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1 cup of cooked kale give approximately 9% of calcium. This makes kale an excellent choice for individuals seeking to strengthen their bones and teeth. 

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It is a dairy-free alternative where 1 cup of cooked lentils provide 37 milligrams of calcium. It does not provide calcium as much as other foods. But you can include in your diet.

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