Check Out 10 Of The Most Expensive Foods In The World

By Shireen Jamooji

Food can be expensive for a variety of reasons. Because respected chefs make them. Or because the materials are pricey to acquire. Or sometimes it's the nature of the food itself. Trying expensive foods every once in a while can be exciting. Here are some for your wishlist.

Almas Caviar

Made from the roe of the albino sturgeon fish, this salty treat is very rare and as such VERY expensive.

Kopi Luwak

Coffee beans that have been partially digested by a Civet Cat form the basis of this unique drink. It's up to you whether you want a sip.

White Truffles

Even more rare than the black version these truffles cannot be artificially cultivated and only grow in Italy.

Foie Gras

This goose or duck liver pate is incredibly rich and smooth but because of the inhumane method to make it, it's being banned in many countries.

Wagyu Beef

This premium Japanese beef is coveted because of the marbling of fat through the meat which makes it very tender.

Yubari King Melons

Another product of Japan, these mushrooms are grown only in one area of the world and need to be tended and harvested by hand.  


Deadly but pricey, this poisonous fish is coveted for its unique meat which is used in sushi. But if not prepared properly, one bite can be fatal.

Matsutake Mushroom

These rare mushrooms are going extinct because of the loss of their habitat and cannot be cultivated again artificially. 

Iberico Ham

Iberico pigs are raised free range on a diet of acorns and the ham is cured for at least 3 years before it's deemed fit for sale.