Chatpata Yet Safe Homemade Raj Kachori For Chaat Indulgence

By Krati Purwar

June 5, 2024

Raj Kachori is a popular snack option in the North. Central, and West India. Crispy kachori is filled with potatoes, pomegranate, chutney, chana, onion, and sev. A serving of this is enough to beat the evening hunger pangs. Here is how to make it. 


For Kachori ½ teaspoon of salt 1 cup all-purpose flour Water as required 2 tablespoons semolina Oil for deep frying ¼ teaspoon baking powder


For Filling ½ cup chopped onion and tomato ¼ cup pomegranate seeds ½ cup mashed potatoes ½ cup mint and tamarind chutney ½ cup boiled chana ½ beaten curd ½ cup boiled moong dal ½ cup coriander leaves 1 teaspoon chaat masala 2 tablespoons sev 1 teaspoon cumin and chilli powder Salt to taste

Step 1

In a large bowl, mix ingredients for kachori and knead them into a soft dough. Keep it aside for a rise.

Step 2

After 30 minutes of rest, take a small amount of dough, roll it into a circle, and deep-fry until the kachori becomes crispy.

Step 3

After the kachori cools off, arrange it on a quarter plate and crack a hole in the middle of it.

Step 4

Add potatoes, tomatoes, chana, and moong. Sprinkle salt on the top and some chaat masala. Use a small spoon to give a mix.

Step 5

Top the filling with curd, chutneys, coriander leaves, roasted cumin powder, red chilli powder, and sev. Serve the delicious raj kachori.