Celebrate Valentine's' Day With Aphrodisiacs That Ayurveda Suggests

By Ranita Ray

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian medical science, has been vociferous about aphrodisiacs. Ayurveda recommends various foods, herbs, spices, and ingredients for passionate love sessions. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with them!


In Ayurveda, kesar or saffron is recommended for its libido-boosting properties. Add a pinch of saffron to a glass of warm milk and drink it as a daily bedtime night ritual.


This ancient aphrodisiac has been employed in Ayurvedic medicine for ages. Kaunch promotes sperm quantity, quality, testosterone levels, and potency and works wonders for male libido.


This spice is renowned for increasing male sexual potency. Stir a pinch into a glass of honey a few hours before your intimate moments.


Garlic includes allicin, which promotes sensuous performance by raising blood flow to the sexual organs. A few hours before your romantic session, chew on a couple of garlic cloves.

Safed Musli

Chlorophytum borivilianum or Safed Musli, according to Ayurveda, is a true panacea for sexual health. It boosts arousal, aids in maintaining an erection in men, and improves performance in women.


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