Carrots To Pumpkins: 9 Vegetables  For Healthy Weight Gain

By Bornika Das

Gaining weight is a challenge just like losing weight. Certain vegetables contribute in gaining weight which is important if you are trying to build muscles. Certain vegetables aids in weight gain process. Take a look:


The sugar content in carrots among the vegetables are likely to help you gain weiht. The sugar in sucrose when taken in excessive amount will help you to gain weight,


They are packed with fibre, protein and vitamins that help in regulating food in the body. Besides, being rich in carbohydrate, they help in weight gain.


Loaded with starchy carbohydrate, it stores unburnt fats in the body. Apart from adding it to vegetables, cook it with butter, margarine, cream or any other fatty substance for better results.


They are one of the most nutritious vegetables and are low in fat and cholesterol. The calorie content in beets aids to gain weight. 


They contain starch which helps to store fat in the body, resulting in weight gain.Adding a bowl of boiled corn with salt to your regular meal can aid weight gain.

Sweet Potatoes

The vegetable contain complex starch, minerals, vitamins and proteins. They are not only good for weight gain but also contribute to muscle building. 


This root vegetable help in weight gain owing to high calories. They are also rich in folate, vitamin C and B5 that are good for immune system, blood sugar and bone health.


Rich in copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium. and vitamins like B, C and K, they are good for weight gain. 


Packed with essential nutrients like protein, fibre and vitamin A, they contribute to weight gain. The starch content in this vegetable is converted into glucose that helps in storing fat in the body.