Can You Eat Mangoes While Trying To Lose Weight? Know More

By Garima Johar

April 24, 2024

Mangoes have a huge fanbase. The summer season is all about eating different types of mangoes. But can you still eat mangoes if you’re following a strict diet to shed the extra weight? The good news is yes, you can. Here’s how.

Fibre Content

Mangoes have high fibre content that can keep you full for a longer time and help you lose weight.

Low Calories

It might not look like it because of the natural sweetness of mangoes, but a cup of sliced mangoes just has 100 calories.

Natural Sugar

Unlike the processed sugar, mangoes do not cause a spike in blood sugar level and are a healthier option for your sweet tooth.

Nutrional Value

Mangoes are rich sources of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.

Water Retention

Mangoes have high water content that helps to make you feel satisfied and manages water retention.

Eat Mindfully

So, you can eat mangoes while trying to lose weight. Just ensure to eat mindfully and not overeat.