Can You Eat Chocolate During Navratri? Read To Know If It Is Fast-Friendly

By Garima Johar

October 1, 2024

Navtratri, a nine-day-long Hindu festival often has devotees fast and abstain from certain foods. While the specific rules may vary across different cultures, chocolate is generally avoided during Navratri. Here’s why.

Processed Food

Chocolate is a processed food and you can never guess the quality of ingredients and is thus avoided.

Sugar Content

Many people refrain from eating sugar or products like chocolates made with sugar while fasting.


Being a packaged food, chocolates contain preservatives and additives which should be avoided.

Cultural Beliefs

As per traditions, certain foods with specific energies are considered to be impure to consume during Navratri.

Personal Choice

A few reasons might state, it’s ultimately up to your preference to eat chocolate.