Brown Eggs Vs. White Eggs: What's The Difference Between Them?

By Yash Lakhan

March 8, 2024

Eggs are considered superfoods for their impressive nutritional profile along with being a high-quality source of protein. It is also one of the few foods to receive a 100-point grade from the World Health Organisation. White eggs and brown eggs are two of the most common types seen in the market.

Breed Of Chicken

The Leghorn chickens produce white eggs whereas Orpington chickens produce brown eggs.


Brown eggs are costlier than white eggs due to the fact that brown egg hens are larger and therefore consume more food. So, the breeding process is more expensive.


The taste of the eggs could alter since brown egg hens are fed more, healthier food. Although, the chances are slim.


The average-sized brown eggs are comparatively larger than average-sized white eggs.

Key Misconception: Brown Eggs Are Healthier

Since brown eggs are more expensive, there's a notion that they are more premium or natural. But there are no such differences between the egg varieties when it comes to nutritional profile.