garlic on brown wooden bowl

Bought Fake Garlic? Follow These 7 Tips To Identify

By Krati Purwar

February 28, 2025

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five garlic on white textile

These days, everything has a fake and cheap copy available in the market, especially vegetables like garlic. People are struggling to identify if they have bought organic garlic or a dummy. Here are a few tips you must note.

white garlic on black table
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Real garlic is either white or ivory (slightly yellowish). But fake veggie is too white, more like it has been injected with a whitening agent.

lots of garlics


Fake garlic is less pungent and boasts a strong scent, while the real one is pungent and has a strong scent when you crust it.

garlic bulb and garlic on white surface


Real garlic is available openly in the farmer’s market or not-to-perfect packaging. Fake herb is available in a perfect packet.

garlic lot on black surface


Fake garlic is overly smooth and rubbery but real ones are rough and firm. You should press a little to identify.

garlic on stainless steel bowl


When it comes to peeling, it would be difficult to peel off the skin of fake garlic because it has been wrapped tightly.

white garlic on black surface

Water Test

Real garlic or its cloves sink in water, but fake ones will float because they are loaded with fillers making them lighter.

white and brown flower on persons hand


Real garlic has small rootlets attached at the bottom, fake ones will have nothing. Make sure you ask the vendor about it.

pink and white flower petals on brown wooden table