Boost Deep Sleep With 5 Foods That Ward Off Insomnia

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 24, 2023

Difficulty falling asleep can be due to a host of reasons from stress and anxiety to bloating and acidity. Levels of insomnia might vary but inadequate sleep can have prolonged effects on overall wellness. Here are some foods that can help to deal with sleepless nights.


Ashwagandha contains properties that induce sleep and help to reduce stress levels. Take an ashwagandha tablet or churna before bedtime for a sound sleep.

Nutmeg Milk

Nutmeg and milk have been recommended by grandmothers as a potent way to induce sleep. It is also helpful for reducing hair fall and skin brightening because it helps to improve sleep quality.


Bananas contain generous proportions of magnesium which helps in the production of serotonin and melatonin, the two hormones required to induce deep, good-quality sleep.

Chamomile Tea

A very calming beverage, chamomile tea is full of apigenin, an antioxidant useful in binding the receptors in the brain that promote a feeling of being sleepy.

Pumpkin Seeds

Chew on pumpkin seeds which contain tryptophan converted by the brain into serotonin. This leads to a healthy production of melatonin, or the hormone that induces sleep.