Boiling Pasta In The Oven? Here Are 7 Tips To Follow

By Krati Purwar

March 6, 2024

Boiling pasta on the gas stove seems like a task because it requires continuous stirring. If you are thinking about boiling it in the oven, you need to be careful about a couple of things, or else the pasta can get sticky or cook unevenly.

Choose Right Pasta

You can only boil pasta like rigatoni, penne, and fusilli. Other kinds of pasta shapes are not ideal picks to be boiled in the oven.

Use Large Pot

If you want to cook the pasta evenly, you should pick a large baking dish in which you can spread the shells. It can be shallow, but the surface area must be huge.

Stir Occasionally

When you are boiling the pasta in the oven, you need to stir it occasionally in between. It prevents the shells from turning into a lump. 

Precook Pasta

If you can, you should cook the pasta on the gas stove for a couple of minutes in boiling water before adding it to the baking tray.

Cover The Dish

When you are boiling pasta in the microwave, you must always cover the baking dish with aluminium foil to prevent the steam from escaping. 

Add Plenty Of Water

You should add plenty of water to the baking dish before folding pasta into it. You can use stock to infuse flavours into the pasta shells.

Let Pasta Rest

After boiling, allow the pasta to rest sometime as it will continue to cook in its own heat. This will ensure that you have a perfectly cooked pasta dish.