Bloating Much? Try These Herbal Teas For Relief

By Jasmine Kaur

While bloating is not very uncommon during summer season, it is best to keep it at bay by avoiding carbonated drinks, dairy products, heavy meals etc. 

However, on days you do feel bloated, these herbal teas can come to your rescue. From ginger to chamomile and fennel tea, all that you can drink during this time. 

Fennel Tea 

Fennel aka saunf is known for its cooling properties and is offered post meals to aid digestion too. Consuming this tea can help reduce the effects of bloating. 

Ginger-Lemon-Honey Tea 

The OG combination not only keeps cold and cough at bay but is a great way to reduce bloating. Honey acts as a natural sweetener and lemon is full of Vitamin C. 

Peppermint Tea 

Good for reduces stomach aches and gastrointestinal stress, consumption of mint leaves in the form of peppermint tea is a great way to keep bowels healthy. 

Caraway Tea 

Did you know that caraway aka ajwain is the best Indian cure indigestion, gas and flatulence? Added to a cup of tea, the seeds work magic on your digestive system. 

Chamomile Tea 

Apart from helping in reducing bloating, chamomile tea has a calming effect, reducing stress, menstrual cramps and even joint pains.