By Shireen Jamooji
August 4, 2023
Though there are no quick fixes when it comes to sustainable, healthy weight loss, there are some ways to navigate bloating in a week. Try these 10 tips to shed weight quickly.
Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates and bowls to help control your portions and trick your brain into thinking you're eating more
Drinking water throughout the day can help control your appetite and boost your metabolism. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and savour each bite. This can help prevent overeating.
Focus on balanced meals that include a mix of lean proteins carbohydrates and healthy fats to stabilise blood sugar levels and keep you full longer.
Minimise your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and sugary beverages which are high in empty calories and can lead to weight gain
Foods rich in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, can help you feel full and satisfied while consuming fewer calories.
Incorporate both cardiovascular exercises (like brisk walking, jogging, or cycling) and strength training into your routine
Prioritise getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Poor sleep can disrupt your hormones, leading to increased appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods.