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Birthday Boy Ranbir Kapoor’s Diet Secrets Revealed

By Jasmine Kaur

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At 40, Ranbir Kapoor is one of the fittest actors in Bollywood. His fitness mantra? The birthday boy follows a strict diet and exercise regime. 

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A Well-Balanced Diet 

The newly-wed actors’ wife, Alia Bhatt revealed that she ensures that Ranbir eats a balanced mix of proteins, carbs and fats in a day. 

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What’s For  Breakfast? 

His go-to breakfast is a glass of protein shake, filled with lots of fresh fruits, along with eggs and brown bread. He likes to keep himself hydrated throughout the day. 

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Fancies A Simple, Home-Cooked Lunch

His lunch plate comprises of chicken, dal, brown rice and lots of green, leafy vegetables. He avoids fried and sweet food and always opts for home-cooked meals. 


Dinner Is Light And Healthy 

Keeping it super light at night, he usually loads up on fresh fruits and salads for dinner since they are easy to digest and low on calories. 


Prefers Rice Over Roti

The actor’s trainer revealed that he hasn’t had roti in the last one and half years. He prefers to have biryani, brown rice or toast instead of that. 

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Rarely Cheats On  Diet 

The fit foodie cheats very rarely on his diet but when he does, it is either burgers or Junglee mutton curry that is on his mind. 

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