Beyond Cooking, Here Are 8 Ways You Can Incorporate Turmeric In Your Daily Wellness 

By Bornika Das

September 27, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Apart from cooking and giving a golden hue to dishes, turmeric has other uses as well. From Ayurveda to medicinal science, turmeric is considered a potent spice with abundant medicinal properties. Here are the 8 ways turmeric can be used for your daily wellness routine.  

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Soak Vegetables 

The rich antibacterial properties of turmeric make it perfect for soaking vegetables in warm water and getting rid of dust and dirt. 

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Ward Off Evil Eyes 

It is believed that sprinkling turmeric around the house or making a swastika with turmeric at the entrance helps to ward off evil eyes. 

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Soup It Up 

While making vegetable soup, add a pinch of turmeric along with red chilli powder. The antibacterial properties help to kill bacterial infections in the body. 

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Add In Tea 

Adding a pinch of turmeric to tea helps prevent infections and the antioxidant present in it help protect you from cancer. 

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Natural Plaster 

Experts state that applying warm turmeric paste along with calcium carbonate helps treat minor sprains effectively. 

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Liver Cleanser 

It has been found that drinking warm water with a concoction of turmeric and black pepper helps clean the liver and asl keeps it healthy. 

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Teeth Whitener 

Gently cleaning teeth with turmeric powder, baking soda and salt can help with tooth cleaning.

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Add To Marinades 

Add turmeric to raw vegetables during the marination process to help improve the nutritional value of the vegetables.

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