Beyond Baked Potato: 7 Comforting Dishes To Enjoy In The Winter

By Devi Poojari

January 30, 2024

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The universal favourite root vegetable is one of the most versatile ingredients that lends itself to an array of dishes that are indulgent and comforting. Tap to see a list of delicacies to make with potatoes that are sure to make you feel fuzzy and warm on a chilly evening.

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Spanish-style potatoes that are an upgrade from French fries, these patatas bravas are the perfect accompaniment to grilled chicken or salmon.

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Creamy, buttery and fluffy are some of the best ways to describe this nursery comfort food that can be enjoyed on its own or paired with all kinds of foods.

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These Korean-style potato pancakes, also known as gamjajeon, are a delightfully savoury meal to enjoy with some kimchi and a fried egg on top.

Image Credit: Wandercooks


This rich and luxurious baked recipe of potatoes dunked in cream, bacon, cheese and butter is all you need to feel better after a long day.

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A thick soup that is closer to a chowder, the creamy supper is infused with the delicate flavours of spring onions and is loaded with fresh winter vegetables.

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Nothing beats a good ol’ Indian-style curry to enjoy with puris, parathas, rice or pulao – than a flavoursome curry in which potatoes have been simmered.

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An American picnic classic, roast your potatoes before coating them with a sour cream based dressing and a sprinkle of smoked paprika for a boost of flavour.

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