Beware! Do Not Pair These 6 Foods With Your Tea

By Nikita Toppo

September 6, 2023

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Drinking chai every day is a ritual in India and its often paired with biscuits or any other snack. However, not all combinations are healthy. Here are six foods you should never pair with your tea.

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Lemon Juice

Drinking lemon juice immediately before or after tea can cause bloating.

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Tea and coffee have substances like tannin and caffeine that hinder absorption of the nutrients you find in fruits.

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Turmeric contains curcumins and tannins which can react with the tea and cause digestive problems.

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This is another food item which should never be consumed immediately before or after tea.

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Iron-Rich Vegetables

Eating iron rich vegetables like spinach, broccoli and peas with tea limits the iron absorption in the body.

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Nuts and tea are another harmful combination that must be avoided as tea blocks the absorption of nutrients present in the nuts.

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