Best Techniques For Tenderizing Chicken 

By Deepali Verma

These are several straightforward methods for tenderising chicken. There are several possibilities, so you might have to choose the one that best suits your needs. 


One of the best do-it-yourself methods to tenderise chicken before cooking is to pound it. This is so that the chicken can cook more quickly since the hammering breaks down the fibres in the meat. 

Cover with plastic wrap 

Wrap a piece of plastic wrap around the meat. This will stop the meat's little fragments from flying across your countertop when you pound it.  


Chicken can be made soft and delicate by marinating it; buttermilk or plain yoghurt are the two most popular marinades. Both of them have acids and enzymes that work together to break down the chicken's proteins and fibre. 

One of the best ways to make chicken soft is to slow cook it. The lengthy cooking period produces a soft and tasty chicken by giving the liquids and taste time to mix and meld. 

Slow Cooking