By Risha Ganguly
August 14 2023
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Pineapple skins, often discarded as waste, actually offer several potential benefits. Rich in nutrients and enzymes, they can be repurposed for various uses. Click to know more.
Pineapple skins are loaded with antioxidants, including vitamin C and bromelain.
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Bromelain, a mixture of enzymes found in pineapple skins, has been linked to improved digestion.
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The enzymes in pineapple skins have exfoliating properties that can aid in removing dead skin cells and promoting a smoother complexion.
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Consuming or using pineapple skin extracts may boost your body's defense against infections and illnesses.
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Bromelain is known for its potential anti-inflammatory properties, which is useful for reducing inflammation in conditions like arthritis.
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Using pineapple skins reduces food waste and supports sustainable practices.
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