Besides Salt, 7 Sodium Rich Foods To Have In The Diet

By Tanisha Salwan

Aug 2, 2023

Sodium is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Right from regulating blood pressure to maintaining fluid level, sodium can do it all. Talking of sodium, the first thing that strikes our mind is salt. But there are other sodium-rich foods too that you can have in the diet. TAP TO VIEW.


Beetroot is a good source of sodium. It also contains other essential nutrients. 

Cottage Cheese

Rich in protein and calcium, cottage cheese also contains sodium. 


Olives contain high sodium and minerals like potassium. Olives are also low in cholestrol.

Tomato Juice

A cup of fresh tomato juice contains high sodium. It is also rich in vitamin C and other nutrients.

Baked Beans

Baked beans are rich in sodium and several other nutrients too. One can have baked beans in so many ways.

Salted Buttermilk

Known for its hydrating and cooling properties, salted buttermilk is rich in sodium. 


Sauces have high salt content, especially soy sauce. It adds up the flavour as well.