Bengali Style Alur Torkari Recipe, A Simple Side Dish To Try

By Shireen Jamoojii

October 20, 2023

This delectable recipe combines the earthy warmth of cumin and the heat of green chillies, creating a balanced and flavourful potato dish that's a favourite in Bengali cuisine.


8 tbsp of mustard paste 650 grams of green tomatoes 2 tsp of black cumin seeds 10 green chillies ½  tsp of turmeric 1 tbsp of coriander leaves 10 tbsp of mustard oil 650 grams of potatoes Salt to taste ¼ cup of water

Step 1

Wash peel and chop the potatoes, coriander leaves, and tomatoes. Soak the potatoes in water for 25 minutes. 

Step 2

Heat the mustard oil add the cumin seeds, and when they start to sizzle, add the potato pieces. Fry them until they become crispy and slightly golden then add the chopped green chillies. 

Step 3

Season the potatoes with turmeric and salt. Add the tomato pieces and mustard paste, then sauté for 2-3 minutes.

Step 4

Add ¼ cup of water, cover the pan with a lid, and let the gravy simmer. After 3 minutes, check if the tomatoes have become tender. Turn off the heat and garnish with coriander leaves.