Benefits Of Orange Peel: 6 Reasons Why You Should Not Throw Them Away

By Nikita Toppo

August 30, 2023

Image Credit: Pexels

Do you throw away the orange peel after eating the pulp? Here are six health benefits of including them in your meals.

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Good For The Heart

Orange peels contain a good amount of flavonoid hesperidin which is known for managing blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

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Radiant Skin

It is good for multiple skin problems like blackheads, dead cells, acne, pores, dark circles, and dry skin.

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Weight Loss

If you are trying to shed some kilos from your body, then orange peel is an excellent addition to your diet.

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Promotes Digestion

Packed with dietary fibre orange peel acts as an aid to several digestive problems.

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Regulates Blood Sugar Level

The pectin present in the peels control blood sugar levels and benefits diabetic people.

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Combats Bad Breath

The strong antibacterial properties of orange peel fight against the bad odour and can freshen up your breath.

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