Benefits Of Having Lemon Water Every Morning

By Tanisha Salwan

Lemon water is the simplest things you can make and have at home. Besides, this humble detox drink is power packed with so many benefits. Let us know why we must have lemon water every morning. 

Boosts Immunity 

Lemon has vitamin C which boosts immunity system. Sipping lemon water in the morning provides right vitamins to the body. 

Promotes Digestion 

Lemon water relaxes toxins in the digestive tract and prevents heartburn, indigestion and bloating.  

Good For Skin  

Having lemon water in the morning helps in flushing out toxins from body and provides glowing skin. 

Helps In Weight Loss 

Drinking water helps in boosting metabolism and lemon adds flavour without adding calories.  

Provides Energy 

Lemon water is high in antioxidants and leaves you refreshed and energetic. It is capable of replacing your morning coffee.