Benefits Of Black Pepper You Must Know 

By Tanisha Salwan

Black pepper or kali mirch is an essential ingredient found in every other kitchen.  Known as the king of spices, black pepper not just lends a vibrant flavour and aroma to the dish or drink it is put in but also offers so many health benefits. Let us know about some of the benefits. 

 Better Digestion 

Black pepper helps in stimulating the digestive system and benefits the body. Having black pepper helps in increasing hydrochloric acid secretion.  

Helps In Weight Loss 

Those who don’t know, black pepper can help in breaking down of fat cells. Thus, it can help you shed those extra kilos.  

Improves Memory 

Black pepper has piperine which can help in reducing memory impairment and cognitive malfunction. You didn’t know this, did you? 

Antibacterial Powers

Black pepper has antibacterial properties that can help in fighting against insect bites as well as infections.  

Cures Respiratory Issues

As per Ayurveda, black pepper could be a boon for cough and cold. It can work as a cure for respiratory disorders too.