Bend It Like Benedict: 5 Handy Tips To Ace Eggs Benedict 

By Jasmine Kaur

Invented by a Wall Street Broker who decided to top his English bun with bacon, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce, acing Eggs Benedict is no joke. 

Pick The Right Eggs 

Fresh, good-quality eggs bring out the best of this dish. Avoiding breaking the yolk by cracking the eggs separately and then adding them to simmered water. 

Poach Them, But Not Too Much 

If you overcook your eggs, the creamy and runny texture of the yolk will disappear. That is why four minutes is just the ideal time needed to poach. 

Prepare A Thick Hollandaise Sauce 

The warmth of the butter determines the resulting sauce. Too much would make water evaporate and too little wouldn’t be enough to heat the yolks. Don’t let the eggs scramble. 

Choose Between Ham Or Bacon 

This American breakfast usually has bacon but people often substitute it with ham too. Lightly toss on a pan so that it doesn’t become too hard/dry to chew. 

Assemble The Dish 

While the bun and bacon can be prepared beforehand, make sure that the sauce and poached eggs aren’t ahead of time as the sauce would lose structure quickly.