Battle Heatwave With These 7 Foods And Drinks

By Tanisha Salwan


Peppermint has menthol which makes it perfect for keeping the body cool in extreme summer.


Yogurt has anti-inflammatory properties and is also rich in calcium. It can help you stay cool.

Aloe Vera

Not just aloe vera is great for skin but it also helps in keeping the body cool. Its leaves and inner gel can lower the body temperature.


This perfect summer cooler is packed with probiotics, minerals and vitamins. It can keep the body cool and energized.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is the natural cooler and hydrator. It also has vitamins and minerals beneficial for the body.


Fruits like watermelon, musk melon, and berries have high antioxidants that can prevent cell damage and can keep the body cool.

Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek tea can help in bringing out the sweat and can keep the body cool. It also helps in detoxification.