Barley Dalia For Breakfast: A Fiber-Rich Meal

By Tanisha Salwan


120 gm barley 4 garlic cloves garlic 1 Lemon 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil ½ tsp pepper crush 1/2 tsp cumin seeds 1/4 tsp mustard seeds 2 cups vegetable stock Salt to taste Handful of curry leaves 

Step 1

Start by soaking barley overnight. Then, crush it and bring it to a crumbly texture.

Step 2

Heat a pan. Add olive oil, mustard seeds and cumin. Let the seeds crackle.

Step 3

Add roasted garlic cloves and crushed barley. Also, add vegetable stock and mix well. 

Step 4

Add salt and black pepper. Give it a good mix. Squeeze lemon and serve!