Traditional Onam sadya served in banana leaf

Banana To Palash: 5 Leaves That Are Used For Serving Food In India

By Yash Lakhan

January 5, 2024

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India is a nation with a rich culinary heritage. The traditions are still intact and serving food on leaves is one of them. It is not only for decorative purposes but it also enhances the nutritional value of the food served. Here are five leaves that are used to serve food in India.

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nasi lemak, a traditional malay curry paste rice dish served on a banana leaf
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Banana Leaf

The most popular leaf for serving food is the banana leaf. It's not only aesthetically pleasing but offers several benefits too.

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Rice topped with stir-fried pork, basil leaves and chili served with omelette.

Sal And Teak Leaves

These leaves are sturdy and firm, making them a reliable choice for serving food.

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Indonesian Traditional Food Cuisine With Fried Chiken And Vegetables

Lotus Leaf

These leaves are large and perfect for serving food. Not only that but they also increase the aesthetic appeal of the food.

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Jackfruit Leaves

Rich in antioxidants, these leaves are not only used for serving but they can also be used for cooking.

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Palash Leaf

Serving food in these leaves is beneficial since it is believed that they contain antimicrobial properties on top of their visual appeal.

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