Banana To Lotus: 5 Leaves Used For Serving Food Across India

By Nikita Toppo

Leaves are an integral part of Indian culinary traditions. Since ancient times, eating on the leaves has been considered healthy as well as economical.  Here are five leaves that are used for serving food across India.

Banana Leaf

Even today, there is a tradition in South India to serve food in a banana leaf South India to eat food in a banana leaf. You can find this practice in many restaurants as well.

Palash Leaf

Palash leaf is considered very sacred and auspicious for eating and it is also a tradition to offer prasad in its leaves to God.

Sal And Teak Leaves

The size of sal and teak leaves is big, and they are hard which makes very easy for us to eat in them. It can be easily found in rural areas.

Lotus Leaf

Along with its stem, lotus leaves are also used for eating meals. It is also said to be rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.