Baked French Fries: Recipes That You Can’t Resist

By Jasmine Kaur

While French fries are one of the most popular snacks today, the name fries suggests that they are usually fried. However, what about we bake them instead? 

From rosemary fries to sweet potato and garlic ones, here’s all that you can make at home. 

Rosemary And Sea Salt Fries 

Coat your sliced potatoes in olive oil, sea salt and rosemary. Toss it well and bake them in the oven. 

Lime And Chilli Baked Fries 

The addition of chilli powder and lime zest makes your French fries taste heavenly. The fries have a tangy and citrusy flavour like no other. 

Sweet Potato Honey Mustard Baked Fries 

The strong flavours of honey mustard make your sweet potato fries so delicious. Grease the baking sheet and bake them until golden-brown. 

Garlic Parmesan Baked Fries 

Who doesn’t like a little bit of cheese on their fries? If you said yes, then toss yours in some parmesan cheese and garlic powder and enjoy. 

Herbs de Provence Baked Fries 

Toss the sliced potatoes in herbs de provence and bake them for some time. Pair them with ketchup, mayonnaise and other condiments of your choice.