Avoid These Six Mistakes While Cooking With Frozen Vegetables

By Devi Poojari

Most times, there are negligible mistakes that can be made while cooking with frozen vegetables that may or may not affect the overall flavours in a dish. Here are a few of them that you can avoid easily.


Veggies like carrots, bell peppers, corn or broccoli – once properly thawed and brought to room temperature – can be tossed directly into a salad or eaten with a protein dip for a quick snack.


Most frozen vegetables can be cooked directly in their frozen state and don’t necessarily need to be thawed.


Cooking frozen vegetables in the microwave is not only disadvantageous in terms of losing out on nutritional value but also risking the vegetables losing their texture and colour due to overcooking.


Smaller cuts or thinner pieces of vegetables like carrots, bell peppers or zucchini tend to cook almost instantaneously whereas large chunky or hard vegetables like squash, pumpkin or sweet potatoes might take longer than usual.


Using frozen veggies for fried rice, stews, curries, soups or other multi-ingredient dishes help in mellowing down the texture of frozen vegetables.


Not sealing your bags of frozen vegetables properly or leaving them unattended for too long in your cold storage causes the exposed bits to oxidise because of the air.