Avoid These Foods To Keep Your Immunity Strong

By Nikita Toppo

We eat and drink a lot of nutritious foods to boost our immunity. But do you know, there are some common food items that can make all your efforts go in vain?  Here are five foods and drinks you should avoid to build a strong immune system.

Added Sugar

Foods high in added sugar increases blood sugar levels which can negatively affect the immune system.

Salty Food

Packaged chips, bakery items and frozen dinners are full of salt which can trigger inflammation and increase the risk of autoimmune diseases.

Fried Foods

Fried foods contribute to inflammation and cellular damage which can weaken the immune system.


Consuming alcohol has a major impact on the body’s immune system which can cause illnesses like pneumonia and other respiratory issues.

Red Meat

Red meat contains high levels of saturated fat which can increase your blood cholesterol leading to weak immune system and heart health.