Avoid These Food Combinations For Better Digestion 

By Deepali Verma 

Meal combinations affect our bodies more than we are aware of. The wrong meal combinations can cause bloating, constipation, acidity, lethargy, heartburn, and other digestive problems. Hence, we have a list of foods you shouldn't eat together. 

Meat And Carbs 

Interestingly, this combination makes digestion difficult. It is challenging to digest the two dietary groups when combined. 

Fruit And Dairy 

If you frequently experience acidity or other issues, it is advised to stay well clear of mixing fruits and dairy. 

Fluids And Food 

Water, juice, and coffee should all be avoided when eating and drinking together. Digestion can be diluted and affected by the digestive enzymes. 

Fruit and Carbs 

Porridge and cereals with fruit are common breakfast options, but you should be aware that fruits digest more quickly than other carb-rich foods. 

You'll be surprised to know that melon takes a longer time to digest than other fruits. So, it is advisable to eat it alone, not with any fruit. 

Melon And Other Fruits