Authentic Gujarati Desserts You Should Not Miss Trying

By Garima Johar

September 20, 2024

Gujarat is an Indian state that offers a wide range of flavourful dishes and desserts. If you are looking for traditional Indian desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth, try these Gujarati delicacies.


Basundi is thick, sweetened, condensed milk that can be relished as is or poured over other desserts to make them more indulgent.

Doodh Pak

Dhook pak is a rice pudding that is similar to kheer. It is made by simmering milk, rice, sugar, and nuts.


The traditional Gujarati dessert, Kansar, is prepared with wheat flour, ghee, and jaggery.


Mohanthal is a dessert made with besan, ghee, and sugar. Its rich texture makes it a popular choice for festivals.


Ghari is a melt-in-your-mouth Gujarati sweet made by simmering dough balls in sugar syrup.