Asia Cup 2023: Fitness Diet Of Cricketers Revealed!

By Risha Ganguly

August 30, 2023

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Asia Cup begins today and it marks the beginning of full-fledged cricket season, with World Cup in India being the final battle. In this tight schedule, here is what the cricketers eats.

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Many cricketers like to charge up with high carb foods like bananas before match.

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Post Match

The perfect post-match food is the combo of carbs and protein like brown rice with chicken.

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The most important aspect while playing is hydrating with water and energy drinks.

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Most cricketers snack on mues;i bars, fresh fruits and nuts. But nuts is avoided pre match as it is high in fats and slows digestion.

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Balanced Diet

An ideal diet of an athlete is complete with carbs, protein and fibre. Cheat meals are occasional. Home-cooked meals are preferred.

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