Are You Aware Of These Indian Food Facts? 

By Deepali Verma

Today, Indian food is available in the majority of cities around the world. There is much more to Indian cuisine than you may have realised; it's not just curries, chutney, and chicken tikka masala! You may learn more about Indian cuisine by reading these fun facts. 


More than 70% of the spices consumed worldwide are grown in India. It has more types of spices than any other nation. 


Originating in the Middle East, Jalebi was known as the zalibiya (Persian) or the zaabiya (Arabic). 


Before the 16th century, India had never heard of coffee, which the British popularised. 


The recipe that made Indian cuisine well-known worldwide, Chicken Tikka Masala, was created in Scotland. 


One of the spiciest chiles in the world, bhoot jolokia, is grown in India. It is more than 400 times hotter than Tabasco sauce and is also known as "ghost chilli"; it is grown in North Eastern states. 


In India, the 16th and 17th centuries saw the introduction of the tomato, potato, sugar, and chilli. 

Naan, which has Persian roots, is also supposed to have been introduced to India by the Mughals. 
