Apple Rabri: Healthy Solution For Sweet Cravings

By Tanisha Salwan

October 24, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash


750 ml milk 1 apple 2 cups sugar 2 strands of saffron 1/4 tsp cardamom powder

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Step 1

First, peel and grate the apples. Now keep these grated apples in a separate bowl.

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Step 2

Heat a pan and cook grated apple till the moisture is completely removed.

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Step 3

Heat milk in a pan and cook till it reduces to half. 

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Step 4

When done, add grated apple and sugar. Cook until the mixture thickens. 

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Step 5

Add saffron dissolved in water and cook for 2 more minutes. When done, serve and enjoy!

Image Credit: Unsplash