pile of dried seeds

Anjeer : Health Benefits Of Eating Overnight Soaked Figs  

By Vidushi Singh 


Figs don't have any fat or cholesterol. Additionally, the sodium content is quite low, and the sugar, carbs, and fibre content are all balanced

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Steps To Follow 

1. Take 2-4 pieces of dried Anjeer. 2. Overnight soak anjeer in water. 3. In the morning, drain out the water. 4. Eat the soaked figs on an empty stomach. You can also add some honey on them.


1. Improve Bone Health

Figs are a good source of calcium, which is necessary for strong bones.


2. Prevents Constipation

Both soluble and insoluble fibre are abundant in figs, which aid in better bowel movements.


3. Aids Weight Loss

They are low in calories and high in fibre, figs are a great if you're attempting to shed some pounds.


4. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels 

Figs contain potassium and chlorogenic acid, which help to control your blood sugar levels.


5. Helps Reproductive Health 

Anjeer is rich in  zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iron which protects body against hormonal imbalances and post-menopausal issues

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