Ande Ka Funda: Ways To Make Delicious Breakfast Omelettes 

By Jasmine Kaur

Make way for breakfast eggs as these omelettes are sure to charge you up this winter. Soft, moist and delicious omelettes that are worth a try. 

Karandi Omelette 

This eggetarian specialty from Tamil Nadu is cooked in a huge iron ladle and filled with green chillies and onions. This easy-to-make omelette gets its name from the cooking utensil. 

Soufflé Omelette

Take some spinach, artichokes, brie cheese and dunk in into a bowl of whipped egg whites. Pour on a pan and cook till it turns soft and brown on the outside. 

Parsi Omelette 

Parsis like to eat their omelettes, open-faced, with toppings of spices like garam masala, pepper powder and more. The highlight is the salli i.e. thin potato strips garnished on top. 

Chorizo Omelette 

The fluffy and creamy omelette has a stuffing of sour cream or Greek yoghurt in it. The best part about these eggs is the sliced chorizo i.e. Spanish sausage. 

Ros Omelette 

Right from the streets of Goa, this ros omelette is made with a flavourful tomato curry in which the omelette is dunked and served with pao.