All About Zelensky Cocktail Which Is Raising Money For Charity

By Aanchal Mathur

The ‘Zelenskyy’ was created by Jane Millichip in her kitchen in Stroud, named after the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

The cocktail is now being served as far and wide as American states such as Connecticut. It has gone global to even raise money for Ukraine aid relief. 

The Zelenskyy is described as ‘a riff on a French 75’ and features vodka, blue curacao, maraschino liqueur, lemon juice, sugar syrup and a dash of champagne. 


1 2/ shot Passion fruit puree 1/3 shot Peachtree peach schnapps 1/3 shot lemon juice 1/3 shot orange juice 1 1/3 shot Blue Curacao 5/6 shot Vodka

Shake first four ingredients with ice and strain into glass filled with crushed ice 

Stir vodka and blue curacao separately with ice and strain in glass.