Adding Herbs To Veggie Inclusion: 6 Tricks To Make Water Taste Better

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

August 26, 2023

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Water is a necessity. Though plain and simple, it's one liquid we literally can't live without. Here are a few healthy ways to make water taste better so you'll hydrate more! 

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 Fruit Inclusion 

Adding cut fruits to water helps make it colorful, tasty and also checks your daily fruit intake. Lime and orange are classic additions while strawberries and peaches are great too!

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Veggie Inclusion 

Might be an unpopular trick, but veggies help add a savory edge to water. Cucumbers and zucchini are a popular choice while radish and carrot too can be added. 

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Adding Herbs 

Ramp up the wow factor of water by adding herbs like thyme, lavender, rosemary, mint, or basil. It is calorie-free flavor that smells and looks great too! 

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Use Juice 

A classic accessory to water is mixing juice with it. Colorful, healthy, tasty: it checks all the boxes. It amps up the nutritional value too. 

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Drop In A Tea Bag 

Tea bags are calorie-free packs of antioxidants and can ramp up the taste of regular water. Make sure the tea bags you pick are low on caffeine content. 

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Ice It Up

Might be an overused trick but there's nothing like a tall glass of ice water after a heavy day.

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