Garam Masala Adds Health, Not Just Flavours 

By Ranita Ray

Indian cuisine's garam masala is intriguing. Ayurveda best describes its name. The word "garam" means "hot". It shows garam masala's capacity to "heat" the body and increase    " Digestive fire". Beyond this, garam masala has several health benefits.

Decoding Garam Masala

Several condiments can be ground into garam masala. It differs in regions and even in residential and commercial kitchens. Black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, and nutmeg are typical.

Improves Digestion

Garam masala improves digestion by activating digestive enzymes and speeding digestion. Cumin, a key ingredient, can even cure irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

High In Antioxidants

Antioxidants prevent free radicals from destroying cells and causing chronic diseases. Garam masala's spices have significant antioxidants. Cinnamon, cardamom, and clove are antioxidant-rich spices.

Promotes Heart Health

Cardamom in garam masala regulates blood pressure and improves heart health. Coriander lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.


Over time, chronic inflammation can damage numerous age-related disorders. Cardamom in garam masala reduces inflammation, alleviating its effects.

Avoids Cancer

Garam masala ingredients prevent cancer. Cloves, in particular, limit tumour growth and help reduce early lung cancer.

Fights Oral Bacteria

Garam masala has several antibacterial ingredients. Macelignan in nutmeg kills numerous dental decay-causing germs. Cloves and cardamom also fight gingivitis and tooth cavities.

Ups Nutrient Absorption

Nutritional value can be increased by adding it to meals. Garam masala spices boost nutrient absorption, making it a tasty approach to improving your diet.