Ace The 9 Ways To Make Breakfast Eggs 

By Jasmine Kaur

If you’re an eggetarian who enjoys eating eggs for breakfast, here are a few classic ways of making them for breakfast and add variety to your meal. 

Poached Eggs 

Want a super runny egg yolk? Opt for poached eggs where the white vinegar and salt simmered in water are used for cracking and cooking the eggs, making yolk runny and whites firm.

Scrambled Eggs 

The classic English way of making scrambled eggs requires eggs, milk and some butter whisked together. Once they are creamy, season with salt and pepper and top on toast like Akuri, Parsi-style scrambled eggs. 


The eggs are whisked, mixed with chopped onions, tomatoes and coriander leaves. Add some spices and pour on a pan. Cook well on both sides and fold in half. The Goans pair it with a curry called ros omelette. 

Boiled Eggs 

These can be hard-boiled, where the yolk and whites are firm or soft-boiled, where the yolk is slightly runny while the whites are firm. Boil in water for a few minutes more or less, respectively. 

Steamed Eggs 

Popular in Asian cultures, the Chinese commonly eat eggs whisked with veggies and spices and steamed in a pot of boiling water. 

Cloud Eggs

Once a social media trend, cloud eggs have a fluffy white boundary that is cooked separately from the yolk and then baked together finally. 

Sunny Side Up 

A bright, yellow yolk appears at the top, surrounded by slightly crispy whites on the edges. This can be topped on an avocado toast and enjoyed. 

Baked Eggs 

This is quite easy as you only have to dunk all ingredients in a mug, whisk together and add loads of butter. Finally, bake it and enjoy. 

Over Easy Eggs 

A spin-off on the sunny side up, the yolk side is flipped and cooked too, making the yolk slightly cooked and slightly runny while the egg whites are completely cooked.